
Maintenance Mastermind

Mobile Equipment

The Event

The Experts

Begins Week of June 21st, 2021 - the weekly time and day are TBD

Join us for an exciting Maintenance Mastermind - Mobile Equipment edition!


In this mastermind we have 5 experts covering 6 topics over 12 weeks focused around mobile equipment and the people who maintain these assets. Each topic will have a training video, an interactive workshop, and a group assignment. 

Joining our Mastermind session you will learn how to manage your mobile assets better, you will connect with experts in the field for future support, and meet others in the mobile maintenance field. 

As an added bonus all attendees are entitled to 1 hour of coaching from one of our experts! 

Who Should Attend?

Electrical Inspectors
  • Leaders
  • Engineers
  • Planners
  • Technicians​
  • Anyone involved with maintenance & reliability

What is the Benefits?

  • Expand your maintenance & reliability knowledge​​

  • Meet and learn from experts in your field

  • Network with like minded individuals solving the same problems you and your organization face every day

  • Bring your M&R personnel to a new level of performance

What is the Format?

In the Classroom

Each topic has the following format:

  1. An online training video, access retained at the end of the mastermind

  2. A 1 hour workshop

  3. A take home group assignment

  4. A 1 hour review workshop of the assignment

The Experts

Steven Dobie

A reliability engineer working with some of the largest trucks in the world and one of the toughest environments. Steve has been born and raised in heavy industry and he is known for his ground up approach in getting projects done. He is looking to help the maintenance & reliability community understand how to get initiatives across the line, and ultimately into sustainability.

Steve's goal is to remain grounded in realism while exploring different technologies and processes. Remembering that the ultimate goal for any organization is to create sustainable value for their stakeholders.

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The Topics

The Lifecycle of Mobile Equipment

Ore loading with a powerful excavator. L

Instructor: Steven Dobie


  1. Acquisition

  2. Operation

  3. Maintenance

  4. End of Life

IIOT (Real time monitoring) & Mobile Equipment

Electrical engineer working on circuit b

Instructor: Allyson Hawley


  1. Setting Realistic Objectives

  2. How to get the data

  3. How to use the the data 

  4. Future proofing your program

Maintenance Management for Mobile Equipment


Instructor: Bryan Bieschke


  1. Communication

  2. Identification

  3. Planning

  4. Scheduling

  5. Execution

  6. Optimization

Personal Leadership & Psychological Safety

Technicians at Work

Instructor: Robert Kalwarowsky


  1. People-centric leadership

  2. Vulnerability to build connection & rapport

  3. Psychological Safety for High-Performance Teams

Maintenance Execution for Mobile Equipment

Excavator Tractor

Instructor: Dean Jarvis


  1. Execution fundamentals

  2. Improving wrench time

  3. Documentation

  4. Maintenance induced failures

Continuous Improvement for Mobile Equipment

Engineering Sketch

Instructor: Steven Dobie


  1. An introduction to Reliability

  2. Understanding Failures

  3. Sustainable change

Register Here

Registration Fee: 1,500 + tax

If you are a student or are unemployed and would like to join our program please reach out to the maintenance disrupted team at